04 July 2012


So, pagi tadi dapat call dari fared & erni. We plan for vacation to Genting Highland Theme Park. Yahoo! Dari dulu lagi I pernah discuss dengan erni nak pergi vacation tapi tergendala. So kali ni sepakat three of us  pergi Genting Highland Yeahhhhhh! Walaupun lama lagi nak pergi I jadi excited sangat sampai google current price for ticket and explore image for theme park. Erni & Fared, I tak sabar dah :D Kalau vacation, I lebih prefer pergi something place like theme park daripada pulau. Extremely excited! lagipun rasanya I dah lama tak enjoy spend time with my friend, gelak kuat-kuat! take photo together! shopping together! Since now I think many people change. Lagipun bila I dah masuk belajar, I think I create a new world without concern perkara lain. Its time for  me to build back my world.


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